Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things That Make Our Lives Easier

We have a two story home so running down to the laundry room when Emmy has an outfit change (bath time, poopy diaper gone wrong, spit up) gets old FAST. We finally decided to keep a laundry basket in her room to quickly toss her clothes/burp cloths in there as we change her. At the end of the week it gets taken to the laundry room and is the same one that comes back up with her clean stuff. So helpful!
I never know when Tony is going to work late (oh the hours of an engineer!) so sometimes I'm alone on bath time. This coupled with a cranky and tired baby can make things super chaotic. I finally wised up and on Sunday night I now lay out everything I will need for each bath time. I put a pair of pjs, a diaper, and a wash cloth for each night of the week. This way I'm not running back and forth from her room to the bathroom while I should be tending to her. This picture was taken on a Monday night so one set was already used on my sweetie! She's almost 4 months old (tomorrow) and I just came up with this idea silly! I'm sure there is a prettier way to organize it, but this works for us for now! :)


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