Sunday, August 7, 2011

In 7 Months I've Learned...

That our love for her will continue to grow as each minute passes.
That the sounds in our home beat out any other event or social happening any day.
How to change a diaper out of the back of a car. I've learned this skill before our seventh month, but this month in particular has increased my skills in this area.
That my child already has a sense of humor for things I didn't realize she could comprehend were comical.
That having a dog is the best comic relief for a teething baby.
That teething can be a long painful process, but once they pop, man they come quickly together!
That I now see every student, past and future, through the eyes of a mom and that makes me so much more compassionate than I ever was.
That this child was picked by God to touch our family's life and teach us how to live.


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