We did it! Well, we didn't change much, but after a trip to The Container Store and an hours worth of work we now have a much neater more organized closet. We didn't get much (BUT I did get a FABULOUS new lunch box for school. Seriously cute!) We did get this new shoe tree that is just for my shoes and so far I love it! It's so nice to get most of my shoes off the floor. It makes it feel much more spacious in there. Here's a look at the tree:
We also got rid of a LOT of clothes. I went by the old rule that if you haven't worn it in a year you probably won't wear it again. I went through everything and I got rid of all the tops and pants that I've had for a long time and never really loved to begin with. You know, the ones that maybe don't fit well anymore, not the right cut, or have something about them that when you wear them you just feel off. I got rid of everything that I put on in mornings when I'm running late or frustrated with my clothes because that has a lot to do with how I feel throughout the day and I don't want to have those clothes to turn to on those mornings. It was scary at first to see the amount of options I have to dwindle down so much but when I realized I didn't feel great in these clothes to begin with it made the decision easier. This helped us clear out 4 trash bags worth of clothes, shoes, belts, dresses to donate to Goodwill. It felt so nice to be able to pass these clothes on to people who may need them more than us. I gave up a few homecoming dresses and formal dresses from college so hopefully these can go to someone who can use them for a special night. Our closet went from this:
To this:
We still have piles of shirts, but they are divided into A&M shirts, my school's shirts, and workout shirts. We also have piles up high of sweatshirts and sweats. Tony side was always pretty organized to begin with, but we cleaned up a few things.
Now I have a clear idea of what types of clothes I need to add to my closet (more tops, pair of nice khakis, etc). Hopefully this will help me when I'm out shopping to know when I see a good buy. It also helps Tony keep from getting overwhelmed when I say I need new clothes...ha, well a little! I'll post some new recipes that I've tried lately in a little bit.
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