1. Who you marry defines what kind of life you will have. I have found that Tony is the single most selfless, patient, and loving man I know. He doesn't think twice about night time feedings, holding Emmy when she's crying in his arms for long periods of time, or walking the dog/making breakfast/feeding her a bottle/changing her diaper/and encouraging me all before 6am. God did so good when he brought him to me. I have fallen in love with this man harder and harder each day.
2. No book can compare you for being a new mom. You can reference Google 50 times in one day, talk to 5 different moms, read "your baby this week" again and again and you will still just have to go it alone in some cases. I've learned a little bit of fear is great-a lot of fear will cripple you. I'm FINALLY starting to learn that these things are all good guides, but sometimes you just have to back away and figure it out on your own.
3. No one can prepare you for what kind of love you will feel for your baby. It takes time to develop this relationship and I am completely ok with that. It is a mostly give (on my end) and take (on her end) relationship in the beginning and this will break your selfish ways one cry at a time. Tony and I will finally sit down to start a show we've recorded days ago and the second it starts so will she. It is a sharp contrast to life before Emmy, but we're learning not just to adjust, but to embrace it. Sometimes I watch her as she sleeps and just whisper to her how excited I am to know her and show her this world. We have so much to learn together as a family and I could not be more thrilled.
Aw so tender. =)
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