Sleep-eh, we've had some regression but it's not her fault. Because of her reflux she had been sleeping in her swing to keep her head elevated at night. She was sleeping from 8pm-2am and then about 2:45-5am and then 5:30-6:45. She has sadly outgrown the swing for comfy sleep so we've transitioned her into her big girl crib. The past two nights she's woken up either at 1am or 12:30 and the rest of the night has been off and on, but we know it'll take some getting used to. She's busting out of her swaddle at night and we've found her sleeping in the silliest positions.
It is true what they say-the sleep-not so predictable and there are days where I'm so tired that I feel drunk. Seeing her smile and listening to her talk and play make it all melt away and the energy comes from some unknown source. However, with that said, we are looking forward to the night where our little angel sleeps for a longer stretch.
She's taking about 6 ounces every 3 hours with a longer stretch at night. She's a little chunky monkey with a full little tummy!
It's crazy that this time last year her room was unpainted and empty, but God was giving her life and we were unaware. Each day life without her gets a little foggier and foggier and I look forward to all the days to come with her. She makes us laugh, makes us cry, and makes every day different.
I ordered this book from Scholastic during one of my last book orders and it is a favorite of ours already. We love reading this one to her, although we have yet to make it through the book without a few tears. It is so beautiful and here is a passage from it:
“Someday, a long time from now, your own hair will glow silver in the sun. And when that day comes, love, you will remember me.”
We're so blessed to be with her!
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