Friday, June 19, 2009

And So It Begins...


After a long time of going back and forth and discussing the positives and downfalls of Facebook with Tony, I decided it was time to say goodbye to the instant noseyness (is that a word?) that had become a daily ritual of mine. Originally, Facebook for me was a great way to keep up with high school friends who went to different colleges, crushes met the night before, funny posts to the roommates during the day between classes and so on. Then it all sort of changed. I felt like it was a constant presence and when the Facebook slang started to creep into my daily vocabulary I knew it couldn’t be a good thing.

So I have decided to take a step away from the ever present status updates and focus in on our wonderful life together as a family. I hope this will be a great outlet for the funny, crazy, thoughtful and sometimes boring things that happen in our family. Thanks for joining us along the way!


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