Friday, July 5, 2013

So Many Updates!

First and foremost: we're having a sweet baby boy! Due in October, we're so excited and blessed! Emerson is very excited to be a big sister. I'll thank Max and Ruby for the help on that one. ;)

Next: we sold our first home. It was our dream home when we first got married and was filled with lots of wonderful memories and firsts, but it wasn't the best fit for our family. We put it on the market in October and after three near-sells we finally sold it to a family from Florida. We signed a contract to build our family friendly dream home that should be finished by the end of the summer. Just in time for nesting, a new addition, and the holidays!

This little girl is getting so big! She will always be my baby, but this baby is growing into a sharp little girl. Her vocabulary and imagination blow us away. At 2 1/2 she is speaking in complex sentences, able to recognize nearly her entire capital alphabet, lots of the lowercase ones, and knows most numbers to ten. This is just for my own memory purposes when #2 comes around. I'm not expecting this to happen quite so early with Easton, I just want to be able to remember when Emmy hit those milestones. I read back on my blog for the other milestones that I was able to include on here to jog my memory.

This wonderful man took a job back at the design firm that hired him out of college. He loved the job he was at, and wasn't looking to leave, but The Lord heard our most recent prayers and goals and an amazing opportunity presented itself that he couldn't pass up both professionally and for our family. I'm so incredibly proud of his skill, determination, and professional reputation. He is a solid man that's for sure.

More to come later!


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