Wednesday, March 19, 2014

She's 3, He's here, and Life is really good!

In 2013 life really changed for our family.  We sold our first home (after several near sells!), moved in with my mom and grandma, found out I was pregnant with #2, began building our next home, started my seventh year of teaching, Tony went back to the company that hired him out of college, Emmy started preschool, moved into our new home, welcomed our sweet boy into the world, left the world of diapers for E, and adjusted to life as a family of four.  Whew...exhausted just thinking about all the change.

There were many moments where I doubted our choices...doubted myself...doubted our plan...doubted HIS plan...but we made it to the other side smiling.  Life is in a great place right now and I'm striving to find the beauty in each day.  It's not always calm, not always pretty, and not always all.  But it's always worth it. 2014 brought a chance for me to test my strength as a momma of two. We decided I will stay home after this school year.  These people are my world.  And it's a beautiful one at that.


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