Ding ding!
This part is by far my favorite part! Saturday after our bike ride around the lake, we headed out to the local nurseries and Lowes to check out potential shrubs for our new garden. Tony and I both decided we wanted to go for more of a native Texas feel rather than just tons of annuals and little flowers. We had fun quizzing each other on the names of the plants we saw. Tony has become a little Texas native buff and I was impressed! He's so cute when he gets into something because he has to learn EVERYTHING about it!
This was one of those great days where the TV stays off ALL day! From 8 am to when we went to bed the TV stayed off and we pretty much stayed outside. I love spring time!
Saturday morning heaven for me!
I didn't buy this pretty Lavender Saturday because we wanted to read up on them to see how they would do in our soil and climate, but I'm totally coming back for a few of these soon! :)
I'm totally getting a few of these for my pots to hang above the garden!
Here's everything minus the mulch. After this we went off to the landscaping place to get the pretty black stuff.
That Creeping Phlox I said I wanted is going to go in hanging baskets on those holders above the garden.
We still have the huge side gardens to fill in but we're making big progress!
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