Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tummy Time

Now by no means do I expect people to watch my baby do tummy time for 2:31 seconds. This is for our family that reads our blog. This is a pretty accurate display of tummy time at our house-right down to me censoring my language with her.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy 3 Months Emmy!

Today our sweet baby girl turns 3 months. It's hard to believe that 12 weeks ago I checked in for an induction and anxiously waited to meet our baby girl. The past 12 weeks have been a whirlwind where some of the days drag on but the weeks fly by. At 3 months Emmy is now attempting to sit up on her own and we're practicing pull ups a few times a day to encourage this.
She is taking tummy time a little better each day which is nice because we can now accomplish this important exercise for a few minutes before the crying sets in. During tummy time she rolls over quite a bit. She is also starting to scoot during this time as well. If it leads to crawling, well mommy won't push it. I've learned that Emmy will do what she wants when she is ready.

Bath time is still my favorite time of the day. We sing, talk about our days, and it always ends with a massage and bottle. Most nights she makes it through with a smile, but if we're running close to the last feeding of the night she tends to fuss during massage time. The girl is a big eater! She's eating about 4 ounces every 3 hours and right now usually sleeps from 8pm-1:45am then 2am-5am and 5:30am-7am. I have no clue how much she weighs and won't know until her 4 month appointment, but girlfriend is ready for size 2 diapers. She has outgrown her 0-3 month pjs and most of her 3 month pjs so I guess we're onto 3-6 month ones. Wow!

Our lives have forever changed and I find myself praying for this little one throughout the day. I wonder who she'll become, if she's happy, if we're doing enough for her, or pushing her too much. I look at each of my students and now see what their parents wish for them and push myself to be a better techer to them because I know their parents are wondering what they're doing and if they are being pushed enough or too much also. Someone at work said I came back a changed person and at first it hurt my feelings. Then I realized, yes I have changed. I've changed for good and I've left behind lots of selfishness that was never good for me from the start. My goal now is to do my best at work and then rush to be with Emmy and I think that's exactly how God intends it to be. Meeting her has been a huge blessing and comes with responsibilities that we don't take lightly.
Emmy we're so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you for picking us for this wonderful journey called life. We hope to be amazing tour guides and we've already learned so much love and life from you.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Face

This face is growing so fast! This face is making raspberries, cooing, laughing, and smiling more and more each day. This face is following along with us more and more as we read to her. This face is starting to accept tummy time just a little bit longer each day. This face now seems to realize that Einstein exists. This face is soaking in EVERY.LITTLE.THING. This face is a lot of work, but oh so worth it. This face was made with love.