Thursday, December 15, 2011

11 Months Brought Us...

  • faster crawling. By faster I mean scary speed crawling. Our girl has the eyes of a tiger when she's crawling. Girl friend keeps her eye on the prize.
  • Cruising any and all furniture...FAST.
  • Eating tons of new foods: pizza, tortillas, grapes, pasta (spaghetti, penne, pesto fettucine Alfredo), goldfish, graham crackers, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, turkey slices, pea salad, stuffing, and the list goes on I'm sure.
  • great napping
  • 2 new teeth! Top front and top right next to front
  • waking up once a night-sleep regression at it's finest.
  • an appreciation for all things new! This girl LOVES to look around at new places.
  • vocabulary: says banana as "ba-na-na or na-na," da da ALL THE TIME, ba, and shrieking and bubble sound blowing
  • so much fun!

In 11 Months I've Learned...

(this post is late, but better late than never!)

  • that being a parent forces you to make choices that are best for your little one. These can be painful and very decisive.
  • the fastest route to Dell Children's Hospital.
  • sucking on a straw is a huge feat that deserves praise!
  • babies take a while to get used to new textures and foods.
  • we will do anything for the sake of an educational moment with our child. This includes crawling on all fours, making random animal sounds, stopping to point out the name of whatever random object she points to in the middle of a store, and any other ridiculous appearing act you see us do.
  • that she is the most gorgeous example of the miracle of love.