Friday, November 4, 2011

In 10 Months I've Learned...

how fragile life is
how to play chase like a champ!
when crawling like a 10 month old, you realize all the places you missed while dusting
that my daughter has the BEST laugh
that the holidays with a little one are extraordinary
that when you spend your entire life stationary and dependent on others, you just want to move around when you finally learn to
that T and I make the absolute best team
that family is all you need
that God is molding T and I into the parents we've prayed to be

10 Months Brought Us...

  • One trip to the ER, 3 doctor visits, 1 x-ray
  • the flu...which brought the above and below
  • Tamiflu and the horror of night terrors and hallucinations
  • a week long fever that wouldn't break
  • the realization that my daughter inherited febrile seizures from me
  • real, official, speed crawling
  • pulling up on EVERYTHING and cruising furniture
  • eating spaghetti! messy, messy eating!
  • the ability to eat bananas like a monkey!
  • the discovery that we're not so fond of raspberries
  • sitting up and pulling up on our crib which led to daddy lowering it
  • the desire to walk EVERYWHERE
  • the first taste of a hamburger
  • a love for mommy and daddy's cinnamon toast crunch cereal
  • sweet potato puffs
  • extra clinginess
  • longer hair with the tiniest hint of a wave
  • bath times in the big kid tub!
  • crawling to the bathroom for bath time
  • our first trip to a pumpkin patch!
  • our first Halloween!

I'm sure I'm missing so much, but it was a HUGE month development wise!