Sunday, January 1, 2012

In 12 Months I've Learned...

  • how fierce momma bear love is.
  • that I can feel like mother of the year when I make my baby laugh that full on belly laugh.
  • that "me time" is almost non-existent.
  • how proud I can be of a tiny human being.
  • how little I knew a year ago.
  • how to be completely organized and completely disorganized at the very.same.time.
  • that being a parent is a non-stop learning process. I get one stage down-she moves to the next one!
  • that reading is so, so, so important. Emerson is soaking us all in like a sponge and I love when I find her looking at her books on her own.
  • that life needs to be child-proofed. Eek!
  • that walking toddlers are so fun, but oh so exhausting!
  • that we are so blessed to be called parents to this little one.