A few 6 month facts:
- Eating 6 ounces every 3 hours. Sometimes less, sometimes less than 3 hours...but mostly that.
- Sleeping so well! Once I write that, you'll for sure be up 6 times tonight. Sleep training you was the best thing we did and the best gift we've given you to help get the rest you so need.
- First food: on the morning you turned six months you ate avocadoes. Your reaction was pretty stellar compared to your sister's back in her time. Momma's going to be more persistent in making you give each food a chance. I'm holding off on the sweet stuff this time, because let's face it-we know you'll love those. Up next: peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes.
- First tooth! You cut your first bottom tooth on the day you turned 6 months! The past few days had been rough and only tylenol helped. Your doctor said you had about 3-4 more days before it popped out this morning at your 6 month well check, but you had your own plan. You woke up SCREAMING from your afternoon nap and sure enough, it was poking out. You sure know how to mark a milestone! There is one more right next to this one that is next...any day now. I sure hope you have some relief once they break through and that every other one doesn't bother you as much as these have.
- Haircuts: you've had 3! Today on the day you turned 6 months, daddy gave you another one! Daddy is even going to invest in some clippers that can do the job better. You have lots of hair big guy!
- Personality: you're much quieter than your sister for the most part...but you get sing-songy when we least expect it and you will just coo and ahhh and babble for minutes at a time. You smile ALL THE TIME which we love. You can even smile AND fuss at the exact same time. That's talent.
- You're close to sitting up on your own...but more tummy time and practice for sure.
- We had to raise the activity center up a notch...you're getting so tall! Every day you become more engaged in holding, grabbing, chewing, and spinning the things that go around on the center.
You are the most perfect boy for us that ever was. Each day you show us more of who you are and we are in LOVE. Thank you God for the deepest blessing!