IOne thing I never want to forget about this season in our family's life is our morning walk. I'm so grateful for whoever invented the BOB Double Stroller...this person is brilliant!
Easton is usually the first one up. We try to patiently and quietly (try try) wait for sister to wake up and then it's breakfast (some mornings she eats in the fresco) and hitting the streets. Even on his fussiest, teething mornings, this stroller is like magic for him. Emmy and I play I spy and count how many rabbits we find in yards. We collect flowers, watch the construction, I take turns on the roads sprinting while Emmy cheers me on, check the mail from the day before, pick our favorite yard on a street, and we try to sneak up and see the turtles in the lakes. It's the perfect healthy, screen-free start to our morning. It also saves my arms and back when Easton just wants to be held. I know they won't always want to ride in the stroller every morning...or that we'll have time for it, but I hope to soak up every morning that we're able to go on walks together. It's become my favorite part of our daily routine.