Monday, March 29, 2010

Backyard Boot Camp Round 2

Ding ding!

This part is by far my favorite part! Saturday after our bike ride around the lake, we headed out to the local nurseries and Lowes to check out potential shrubs for our new garden. Tony and I both decided we wanted to go for more of a native Texas feel rather than just tons of annuals and little flowers. We had fun quizzing each other on the names of the plants we saw. Tony has become a little Texas native buff and I was impressed! He's so cute when he gets into something because he has to learn EVERYTHING about it!

This was one of those great days where the TV stays off ALL day! From 8 am to when we went to bed the TV stayed off and we pretty much stayed outside. I love spring time!
Saturday morning heaven for me!
I didn't buy this pretty Lavender Saturday because we wanted to read up on them to see how they would do in our soil and climate, but I'm totally coming back for a few of these soon! :)
I'm totally getting a few of these for my pots to hang above the garden!
We brought them home and started playing with the arrangement. Tony didn't like how straight and exact the first arrangement looked so we moved them around a little more to allow for future growth.
My boo planting my pretty shrubs!
Zig zagged for a better effect.
Here's everything minus the mulch. After this we went off to the landscaping place to get the pretty black stuff.
Here's the view from our upstairs game room.
My pretty sweet brooms and Tony's wispy grass stuff that he really wanted.
Pretty sprawling Rosemary.
That Creeping Phlox I said I wanted is going to go in hanging baskets on those holders above the garden.

We still have the huge side gardens to fill in but we're making big progress!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday Morning

What a great way to start the weekend! Tony brought me breakfast in bed and since I was starving, this was the best picture I could take of it.
After breakfast we biked over to my mom's neighborhood to bike around the lake. We took Einstein with us for the bike ride to my mom's house, but we dropped him off at the house to let him play with my grandma's dog.
Biking out of our neighborhood.
The cute little guy out front of my mom's house.

After that we headed out to the lake. It's a 3 mile trail and a pretty good workout. So many people are always out there walking, biking, or running. Saturday morning there was a triathlon going on while we were out there. It's such a pretty way to start your weekend off (and a great way to work off the cinnamon rolls!)
A view from the trail.
Fairly sure Tony didn't know I was taking a picture of his backside.
A far away picture of the bikers coming in for the last leg of the triathlon.
This is something we hope to do much more of as the weather starts to warm up!

One Secret to a Happy Marriage...

Some nights you just need to get takeout from different places! Last night after a full day of working out and working outside we wanted something fast and delicious! My choice: a Jason's Deli BBQ potato. Tony's: a Freebird's burrito.

One word: delicious!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Backyard Boot Camp

Let me preface this with saying that this was a HUGE project! It doesn't look like much from the pictures, but man was this a beast. I'm so glad we had the whole week to work on it. First thing up was for Tony to aerate the yard. He and some of the other neighborhood husbands rented an aerator to help our yard drain better and promote prettier grass (lots of other technical reasons, but I'm a girl and this is what I say it does). I left on Saturday to Houston to try on bridesmaid dresses for my friend Megan's wedding. This is what I left:
These little holes are what I came home to all over the front and back yard Saturday afternoon. These holes will help the soil breathe and make the grass pretty (again, I'm a girl and this is how I break technical stuff down to).
Our plan was to make a really large flower bed that went the span of our back fence. We want to put in some native Texas shrubs and plants and one day a tiered water fountain. Here's our boring backyard before all the work started:
In order to do this we had to tear up the sod all along the fence line. To do this, Tony started out with our edger to make a line of where we wanted the flower bed to be.
After our initial plan of digging up the grass with a shovel failed miserably, I convinced Tony to go rent a sod cutter to get this business done quickly! Tony is such a boy and LOVES any kind of landscaping machinery so he got really excited when he realized he was going to learn how to work a new toy. He watched some videos on how to use it, and watched a few DVR'd yard shows for confidence and he was off!
A couple of hours later the sod was cut and it was time for the hard work.

We rolled up so much sod and good night it was heavy! Good thing for us that the lot behind us is still empty, so we tossed them over the fence. I have never had a workout this tough in all my years of playing sports. I found new muscles I didn't even know I had (primarily in my hamstrings, triceps, and abs) and I made them very sore! After hours of work here is what it looked like:
My hands looked like this for days!

The next thing to do was to get the dirt we would need to make our garden really healthy. Our soil is clay soil and Tony wanted to make sure we brought in really good soil to help with drainage and nutrients. We went to the landscape yard and bought four truckloads of dirt to haul into the flower beds.

Imagine this:
four times. Each load is about 2,000 pounds of dirt that we brought home, shoveled into wheelbarrows, hauled into the backyard and leveled out where the beds will be. So after it was all said and done we had unloaded about 8,000 pounds of dirt together. Big project...huge! Our neighbors kept asking us if we were burying dead bodies in the backyard with all that dirt!

Here are the beds as of now. We ran out of time and pretty weather to actually plant the flowers and shrubs. We plan on doing this in the next couple of weekends as well as bringing in mulch to finish it out.
Even though this project was so big and difficult, I am so glad we did it together. I get what people mean now when they say it was a labor of love. I love so much that Tony works so hard to make our home a beautiful place to be. He spends so much time and energy making my visions come alive and it's a huge reason why home is my number one favorite place to be in our free time. He's my hero and this project made our marriage so much stronger because we worked on a common goal even when most would quit. It also gave us a chance to laugh a lot, curse a little (me), spend time together, and make our house more of a home. I'm so lucky for him and for this memory we'll always have!

I Spy...

Our new shutters finally came in!
On a rainy Tuesday the nice man came from San Antonio and installed the plantation shutters in our master bedroom and the upstairs game room. Yay! We were so excited to take the paper blinds off that have been up since we moved in two Decembers ago!

Before game room (Tony took off the paper blinds before I got upstairs to take a picture):
After game room:
Before master bedroom:
After master bedroom:
Next up on our list is to order the shutters for our three bedrooms upstairs and get a sectional couch and flat screen for the game room. Right now the game room is just sort of a holding place for things we don't use. We want to make it a nice family room where we can have movie nights and just relax without messing up our living room downstairs. We'll update more when we find the right couch...whenever that may be with us two picky people. :)

Spring Break Eating!

Some of the tasty things we ate over the break!

Yummy little shortcakes with fresh strawberries! Delicious!
The Pioneer Woman's homemade beans and some sweet cornbread!
Tony improvised one night after dinner to make homemade s'mores! We laughed watching the kisses kick the marshmallows off in the microwave.
Lots of other great food was had, but we ate them too quickly to take pictures!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Delicious and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love these cookies! They stay so soft for days after you make them. Plus, they're easy to make. Here's what you'll need.

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter (I used Country Crock spread)
  • 3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 (12 ounce) bag semisweet chocolate chips, or chunks
  • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
*you can also add in chopped nuts. This time I added in some walnuts.*

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone sheets (saves so much cleaning time!).

Put the butter in a microwave safe bowl, cover and microwave on medium until melted (about a minute or so). Cool slightly. Whisk the sugars, eggs, butter and vanilla in a large bowl until smooth. Whisk the flour, baking soda, and salt in another bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients with a wooden spoon; be careful not to over mix (no clue what this means, but I was cautious for some mysterious over mixing.) Stir in the chocolate chips or chunks.

Scoop heaping tablespoons of the dough onto the prepared pans. Wet hands slightly (man does this make a difference) and roll the dough into balls. Space the cookies about 2 inches apart on the pans. Bake, until golden, but still soft in the center, 12-15 minutes, depending on how chewy or crunchy you like your cookies. Transfer hot cookies with a spatula to a rack to cool. Serve.
If you make them, let me know how they turned out! I have to literally keep Tony away from them or else five are gone in minutes!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Pioneer Woman Night!

Last night we tried a new recipe along with an old one that we love. For dinner last night we had The Pioneer Woman's Grilled Ribeye Steak with Onion-Blue Cheese Sauce:
with this:
and you can find the recipes here and here. They were delicious and the perfect meat and potatoes meal that makes me crave summer when we can eat outside with flip flops on listening to the crickets.

After dinner we were still a little hungry so I made a quick batch of chocolate chip cookies that I'll post soon.

I'm so glad Monday's over. It was cloudy and rainy and yuck! I hope we're getting it all out of the way before Spring Break!